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  • What is the Carrillo PTO?
    The Carrillo PTO is an incorporated 501(c)3 entity. Any donations (goods or monetary) to the PTO are tax deductible with our ID 47-4542227.
  • Is the PTO the same as a PTA?
    No! Although those are similar designations, the PTO does not pay dues to a governing body. 100% of donations received stay within Carrillo or SMUSD. Additionally, all parents are part of the PTO and DO NOT pay any annual dues to be a member.
  • Does it cost money to join the PTO?
    Absolutely not! As a parent of a student enrolled at Carrillo Elementary, you are automatically part of the PTO. There are no fees or dues. Attending our monthly PTO meetings is optional. They are a great opportunity to find out what the PTO does for Carrillo students, teachers, administrators and staff.
  • Why is there a website login? Do I need an account?
    If you register for an event, make a donation or purchase a sponsorship, you have the option to create an account.
  • Is my donation tax deductible? Do I get a receipt?
    Yes, your donation is tax deductible. Please contact if you would like a receipt.
  • What are the benefits of the PTO?
    The PTO provides benefits to everyone associated with Carrillo Elementary. The PTO pays for additional educators to be in the classroom. Administrators, teachers and additional staff receive gifts and volunteer support from the PTO. As a parent volunteer, you will get to know your neighbors and classmates' parents. You will develop friendships and a greater sense of community.

Frequently Asked Questions

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